A02. Wudang Taichi – The 28 Postures

– “Wudang Sanfeng Sect”

Elementary: 3months,Advanced: 2moths,total 20 lessons

The 28 Postures is the simplified version of Wudang’s primary boxing, Sanfeng Taichi 108 Postures。It features similar content, style and essence with the 108 Postures, but is very different from the 13 Postures. Yet, each has its own characteristics。 The 28 Postures inherits the outstanding function of health preservation and attack and defense。 Being short and precise, it has no duplicated action. It is favourable for daily practicing. It is the essentials of Wudang Taichi. The boxing was created and arranged by the 14th generation Bearer of Wudang Sanfeng faction, Taoist Zhong Yun Long.It is popular in Mountain Wudang and amongst the Taoist temples and Wudang Martial Arts schools in the country. As it wholly presents the charm and the essence of Wudang Taichi, it is the representative series of Wudang Kungfu in performances and key competitions of martial arts.

Students’ Experience and/or Demonstration

師虛師傅演練 武當太極拳28式

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