C04.  Five-element Qigong    

- 3 months, i.e. 12 lessons -

Course Description:

This is the Dynamic Qigong , which is brisk, vigorous and full of fun. Long term practice can enhance body flexibility, five orgrans, meridians and blood vessels. It also helps the smooth circulation of Qi and Meridians, which energizes the practitioner, and keep in high-spirit.。This QiGong is originated from the traditional holy and mighty symbols of Chinese culture. It contains five forms, i.e. Crane, Tiger, Dragon, Turtle and Snake, which correspond to the Five Elements of traditional Chinese cosmology. Practising this QiGong helps to improve body and health, full of Qi , clear mind, sharp witted, and energetic.

Crane: in Chinese culture, corresponds to Fire in the Five Elements, which is the hearts of human body. Practicing Crane Form QiGong brings vigorous and refreshing spirit.

Tiger: is the symbol of power and kindness. Tiger corresponds to Soil in the Five Elements. Practicing Tiger Form QiGong can strengthen spleen, stomach, muscles and bones.

Dragon: is a spiritual and lucky creature possessing the deity of Heaven and Holy. Dragon corresponds to Wood in the Five Elements. Practicing Dragon Form QiGong can strengthen liver and gall bladder.

Turtle: is a spiritual creature symbolizing long life, wisdom, steady and peace. Turtle belongs to Water in the Five Elements. Practicing Turtle Torm QiGong can strengthen  kidney and flexibility of body.

Snake: is the god of the North and named as Xuanwu. Snake corresponds to Metal in the Five Elements and lung in human body. Practicing Snake Form QiGong can nourish lungs and make body flexible.

Media Briefing

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