C41. Taoist Zining Yijinjing and Xisuijing

elementary: 2 months;intermediate:2 months; advanced: 1 month

According to legend, Yijinjing was invented by Monk Damo from ancient India. However, according to Tang Hao, historian of modern Wushu, it was developed by Priest Zining of Mountain Tiantai during late Ming Dynasty. Zining Yijinjing is the great achievement of Tao’s health preservation. ‘Yi’ means changing, ‘Jin’ means muscles and bones or fascia, and ‘Jing’ means code. According to Xisuijing, the body will be rest-cured and trained through the practices of breathing, Daoyin exercise, Qi-collection, massage, etc. The practice cultivates internally the Qi and spirit and externally strengthens the muscles and bones to achieve the effect of cleansing the marrows and changing the bones. It opens up the inherited and acquired channels of the body for smoothing the eight extra-meridians to reduce the illness. It is also the basics of Taoist’s Dan force.  It features the combined training of muscles and bones and serves both the health preservation and fighting. It covers internal and external body. 
