C26. Internal Thirteen Piles

– “Xuanwu sect” –

3 months, 12 lessons

Course Description

This is a superior and in-depth piling technique, strengthen Dantian with Qi, which circulates in the limbs and whole body. This is the method to enhance Neijia boxing strength, accumulate core Energy / Qi. Piling is the foundation, Qi is the root, technique starts from piling, force comes from Qi, piling technique is the root of vaiorus Neijia techniques. Neijia Boxing exquisitely accentuates on Wuji (emptiness) forming Taichi, Taichi forming Liangyi (two opposing forces), Liangyi forming Sixang (four phenomena), Sixang forming Bagua (eight trigams), just like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the water flows continuously and incessantly. The Tao produces One; One produces Two; Two produces Three; Three produces All things, perpetual endlless life. Piling is Wuji, analogous to the One in Taoist scriptures. Without Wuji and One, there will be no Two, not even talking about gushing incessantly, perpetual endlless life. Throguh Internal Thirteen Piles, and core Energy / Qi method, Qi and Energy are accumulated, ciculated inside the body consciously, body is recuperated. Practising persistently, one can attain peace of mind, super endurance, Qi circulated lively, lower body firmer, power multiplied exponentially, set up a firm foundation for authentic Neijia Kungfu.

Students’ Experience and/or Demonstration
