陳式太極老架一路- Daniel Yu180805

【陳式太極老架一路】令我之前斷了的主足筋復原良好,力量和柔軔度增強了,行動自如。太極原來適合所有年齡! – Daniel Yu, 美藉台灣人,180805



Hello, my name is Daniel. I started to learn TaiChi about one year ago. Two years ago I had a surgery on my ?? . After the surgery it’s very weak, very stiff and had a lot of problems about flexibility and mobility. Since training from ShiFu, my balance is better. There’s a lot more control, strength and flexibility. So I very appreciated the opportunity of training from ShiFu. At first I thought TaiChi would be very slow and boring, for all people. But then you can see by our demonstrations today, it’s not…Xiexie. 翻譯:Daniel 師兄話佢學太極學咗一年架勒,咁學太極之前呢,佢係傷咗腳筋,係斷咗最大個條足筋嘅,咁做咗手術駁番佢吓,但跟住都好傷啦,要揸柺杖揸咗幾個月嘅,咁跟住學完太極之後呢,而家都仲學緊嘅,就改善咗好多,咁而家識行識走,行得好好勒。咁就Daniel師兄初初就覺得太極係啱老人家學嘅,後生仔唔啱嘅,咁學咗一輪之後呢,就覺得後生仔都係非常之嗯適合嘅咁樣) Daniel: One last thing I I have to thank ShiFu for lots of patience for she has to explain things to me in English. So I really appreciated that.



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